Hi, My Name Is Ralph Bass...This Is My Library
As noted in Back to the Future concerning the Book of Revelation, "The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it!" —Mark Twain

So, why did I write this commentary?

, I became a believer in a Dispensational church. A loving pastor and many dear friends nourished my faith there. I embraced this theology for 33 years after my salvation. The number of sermons, Sunday school lessons, and Bible studies on eschatology that I heard were beyond count. Yet, there was a nagging doubt. While pastoring I avoided the subject. But one day I was asked questions on prophecy that I simply could no longer answer with commitment or conviction. It was time to find some real answers. This book began as Sunday school lessons to provide those real answers for others and for myself.


Second, long after the Sunday school lessons ended, the study and the writing continued. I was not satisfied with Sunday school answers; I wanted something definitive for my own benefit and the benefit of others. This work is an effort to provide that substance, that body of learning beyond the Sunday school class for those who demand more, much more.

Third, sadly, there is much in print that I regard as very bad prophetic theology and little that I see as good. It seemed to me that perhaps another work from the loyal opposition of the prevailing opinion was a worthwhile undertaking; something written from a deep conviction in the sufficiency and trustworthiness of Scripture, yet something far different from what was commonly dished up to the Church. This is that something.
These are some the reasons this book was written. I prayed as I wrote it that it would honor Christ in its message. I continue to pray that you will be greatly benefited by a careful study of its content.
—Ralph E. Bass, Jr.

Let's Look Inside
the Book